4/13/02 Video Maniacs is located on the Southwest corner of University and
On the left is their storefront and parking lot, and to the right is
a closeup of the video drop box. This location, long ago, was the COOP
gas station. Then, the site was remodled for a bank, back during the 80's
bank explosion. Where there were two banks on every block. It's been
Video Maniacs for awhile. MQ and I tend to prefer Five Star, though we go
here sometimes, when we're looking for DVD's. Really, we have a lot of
competition for video rental around here. They have a better Japanimation
selection here, than at Five Star. Also, Video Maniacs recently expanded
its porno section -- though I don't watch porno myself.
Here's the city trashcan on the corner of Sacramento and University --
right next to Video Maniacs. Also
here's the 'button' that you press to walk across the sidewalk.